September 1, 2011

House Hunters International

So we looked at 3 places, and had to narrow it down and pick one.  Ian will be glad to know that there is lots of room for Jayne's clothes, but we do not know where Tim will put his.  We canned the one that is still a construction site, and although they say it will be ready to move in October 1st, we believe that the year must have been lost in translation. 
The second place was a standard run of the mill apartment, but was too far from downtown Erlangen, and it was on a busy road.
Soooooo, the one we choose, was the historic carriage house built into the original city wall. 
OK, so this is not it, but we have to walk thru the double doors on the bottom left as the main entrance to our new home.

                                          Yes that is our place way at the back of the property
This is the loft above the master bedroom and master bathroom.  It is where you will get to sleep when you visit!  You will have to come down the stairs to the guest bath to pee, but hey, much better than the original night trek when the place was built in 1837

Living room has beamed ceilings with skylights and 3 sets or patio doors out onto the courtyard garden.

Even came with a kitchen!  Small, but Big deal in Germany as apartments do not come with kitchens here, except this one for Jayne and Tim.

They just finished the Reno, so the landscaping will be completed in the spring.  The landlord is going to leave a spot on the right side of the terrace for Jayne to grow our food!  We will need it after paying the rent on this place.

Today was my first day at addidas Group World of Sports Headquarters in Herzogenaurach.  It was a picture perfect day here, so after some touring of the complex and some introductions to the team, we settled into lunch on the patio.  Headed out at 1pm to pick up the company supplied car for the month and called it a day.  We are still adjusting to the time change so a couple of short days this week, and then full on next.  It is so nice to have the house hunt happen so quickly, and now Jayne can shop for furniture for the place.  I think her idea is to accumulate enough air miles to fly around the world, so good thing we are already half way around the world!
Our next step is to find a car, and we are to start that on Saturday with the relocation agent.  They seem to be rather quick to empty my bank account!


  1. Great looking place! You were lucky to find something you like so quickly. Shopping for new furniture will be an adventure. The veggie garden next spring will give you something to do over the winter - perusing seed catalogues and starting seedlings. ;)
    Happy nest-building and all the best in your new position, Tim!

  2. Nice choice you guys. I have a feeling you won't be spending much time there anyway!

    Mike R

  3. Lovely place you guys!! Congrats and keep the updates coming.

    Sarah T.
