September 3, 2011

First Friday Night Out

We signed the lease on the carriage house today!  Now that is quite the process.  You would think we are buying it.  We had to provide a copy of my adidas contract, passports, and bank account information, agree to repaint the entire place when we vacate, pay 3 months in advance, and sign our life away onto a 20 page contract in German.  Our relocation agent assures us that it is all quite normal!
The landlord's realtor gave us a bottle of bubbly to celebrate!  Hopefully it is for us to celebrate and not them as they head off with our cash!
With the house out of the way, we decided to head out to Nuremberg on the train and go for dinner in the old city.   We tackled the train ticket machine which eats cash like a slot machine in Vegas.  When we arrived 25 minutes later we found that there was a huge flea market on and crowds of people.

Germans seem to like the flea market deals as much as Canadians hunting for that elusive piece that is surely a priceless treasure that the seller has no idea of!

We walked several kilometers trying to decide where to eat.  We can't read the menu so we just have to go by the look of the place.  The problem is they are all so picture perfect!  We had dinner on the patio along side the river and then strolled back to the train station and headed back to Erlangen. 

                                                     Early evening on the Regnitz River

          The food is really quite spectacular!  The architecture is stunning!  The evening was a success!


  1. Hello Jayne and Tim, miss.
    Beautiful place, I loved the loft, I hope to use too.
    New challenge!
    New life!
    Mauricio Cestari and Family

  2. Dears Jayne and Tim,

    It's really good to come back home and read the German Adventure.
    The places and photos are beautiful.
    It seems a very nice place to live.
    How about the menu? What did you eat?
    Ronaldo & Betty

  3. The photos are really nice - make me want to go there next year for a bike trip. Ya never know!

    Cheers, Donna
